
Showing posts from November, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving Y'all

Happy Thanksgiving y’all!!!!!!!! I was not going to upload a post this week, but, the consistency in my writing is there. It feels good to just tell you what is going on in my mind. I mean, the Holidays are a weird time for me. They are happy, sad, extreme, irritating, and fun. I feel like there are a lot of emotions in me and at times it is very overwhelming. Is it just me? I am typing my perfectly manicured fingers off for you today. Actually it is more like therapy for me, because I want to reach out to all of my little loners that feel like me on “special nights” or family reunions. Currently I am in the snowy hills on Santa Fe, and boy! It is so pretty tonight! The snow is falling gently and sticking to the floor. Everything is covered in snow and it looks like a winter wonderland. Outside is very picturesque, but sometimes during those special dinners, things are not as happy. Or at least they weren’t for me in the past. I remember trying to have conversa

Death by Perfection

Guys! Stay with me. This post goes a little deeper than my first post “The Ideal.” Sounds a little similar, but I really want to get the message across that it is ok if anything is not perfect. Perfection fucks with you and not in a good way. This blog project has been attempted twice. The first time it happened in 2013 I believe. The only reason why It did not see your gorgeous face, it is because I let my inner perfectionist got in the way. I was trying to get everything together, make sure it was incredible, but the more I tried to work on it, the more “issues” would pop up. I used to be very strict about the things that I would create. Wanting to be perfect got the best of me. With the first attempt, the launching got postponed… a lot. I guess it was my insecurities, or the fear of being judge because of the way that it looked, or even the style that it was written in. A couple of weeks ago, I heard a podcast, in which they mention how one must let go of thi


Why are we still fucked up?   Because we allow it. I want to write this for people who want someone to talk to. For people who don’t know where to start, and for people who need to unlearn. We let ourselves get into a rut.   I have been putting “unlearning” into practice for about 3 years. It is easier said than done, but choosing happiness and what is best for you is so easy that it makes it hard. When we think something is, we literally can change that thought to something that can benefit us. But the key is in unlearning what we think things are. Are you with me? Of course not! Let me give you an example, during my high school career and my early days in college, I thought that a degree in something “impressive” and money were everything in life. I thought that the hustle was what it was expected of me, and saw down on people who were “content.” (I had shitty values back then.) All the hustle that I was doing during my teen’s and early twenty’s, we

Santa Fe, NM

Santa Fe, NM I am a truly lucky millennial, not only do I have a bomb 20-step skin routine, but I also get to travel a lot! I want to tell you all about it, so I will be including a travel tab in my blog. What I have seen and what I have experienced, I just want to tell you all about it. Well, not all because there has been some things that will make you think I am shameless, so I’ll let TMZ show you that dark yet also pretty side of me. I want to start with Santa Fe, NM, my hometown. Not a lot of people like visiting their hometown, but I do. I love Santa Fe for a lot of reasons: #1 I have family and gorgeous friends there.   #2 Everything is smothered in green or red chili.   #3 Food is freaking delicious. I love that 2 out of 3 things that I love about Santa Fe are food.   There are a lot of opportunities to go to back, and I always have something to do. There is this cool and interesting museum called Meow Wolf. All of my frien

Don't Be So Hard on Yourself

“Don’t be so hard on yourself.” I rather give up my first born child than talk in clichés, but guess what? The clichés are true! (stab me.) Ever since I found out that I wanted to be a glamorous soccer dad/trophy husband, eons ago. I have not been very kind to myself. I learned to give 110% to everything I do, including being petty. Which means I would always be exhausted. In high school I took mostly AP classes, I had a part time job, and I was in the swim team. Then after graduation I’d invest all of my time in jobs where I thought I could have a career. I went to school full time and worked full time in a job where it was very demanding. So what was the outcome of all of that? I burned out, I would fall into small depression periods, ugh. It was not pretty. I mean I am pretty, but not the situation. Sorry, my inner millennial did not want me to let you think I was not handsome. After failing at everything do to the burn out, I would kick myself for