Too Attached?

My, my, my, I am back at it with my bullshit. So much for fun posts, huh?

I love my previous post and there will be more where that came from, but there is something in my mind I cannot shake off, and hopefully telling y’all could help me and others that might feel the same way.This is the art of letting go. (I know, I just puked in my mouth.)

Doesn’t it piss you off when people tell you to let things that bother you go? And you know it is the healthiest way to cope with things at times? But you physically reject the idea of just looking the other way? Been there, done that and guess what? I still can’t let go of things I am attached to, those are the problematic situations, the ideas, and the things that prevent me from growing or simply leaving a peaceful life. 

For a good time after therapy, I picked up the habit of not getting attached to things that were irrational. I am doing very well, but there has been times where I simply become overwhelmed with overthinking and worrying about something that is not even true or happening. It is like my mind creates these scenarios or fears and I don’t stop it. I let my thoughts consume me, and I learned that we do have the choice to turn those thoughts off, I was taught that its simply a switch and we just have to choose to put an end. Like I said, there has been moments where I know I could have just turn off the switch and let it go. But it felt better to stay attached to the situation. So I ignored my healthy coping mechanism and decided to be petty and continue to give attention to the thing that has stolen my inner peace.  

This brings me to the conclusion that we love our distress. We like to be attached to things, even though we know if we continue we will not move forward in life. Writing this has helped me realize that I am a silly guy and forgot my therapy. It worked for me to turn my switch off.
Easier said than done, I had therapy and learned how to do this. What about people out there? 
How do they cope? Do they know it is a choice to be attached to things? How can we help? 


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