
Showing posts from January, 2020

Shine or Die

That is it! I am so freakin’ done with the winter blues! If the sun is not going to warm us up, we have to do it for ourselves. I am not talking about getting up from the couch and turning up the thermostat, I am talking about warming up our attitudes. I love sassy attitudes, but not when they make us feel a little down. So let’s put our middle fingers up and smile. I got some tips on how to glow, how to grow, and how to blow (blow off stress, you sluts!) Sometimes when I am feel a little low, it is usually because I am overthinking. What ever the overthinking is about, I know that it makes me feel like I haven’t done enough or of not reaching my goals by now. I know-I refuse my gorgeous brain to bully me. So what do I do? I simplify my thoughts. I literally stop myself from thinking, and then start to focus on things that are in front of me. If I am worrying about the amount of homework I have to do, I stop, and simply focus on just the homework that I am currently doin

Building Habits

I am a habit-building whore. Listen up my delicious bitches. I am here to shamelessly admit to not sticking to good habits. Habits that I promised my boujee ancestors I would keep. What happened? I would put too much pressure on myself. I would make unrealistic changes that would burn me out. It seemed like it was an all or nothing situation. I know a lot of people can relate with building a working out habit. Out of the blue I would go to the gym 6 times a week, eat my kale, and cry. Then by week 3 I’d be tired and suicidal. At the sight of a delicious pizza, I would cave and rub it all over my face. After that, I would feel very disappointed and completely stop trying to build the habit, at least until I would feel bad about how I look, then the vicious cycle would repeat. In therapy, I learned that I was very harsh to myself. There would be something that would not work out in my plans and I would kick my own ass-not literally. So I started to break unhealthy habits;

I am a Hypocrite

I am a hypocrite. I have told you guys before that I have been in and out of school since I graduated High School. It is always the same cycle of emotions, I mean I always get motivated so I enroll, then when I attend my classes half way through, I get bored and I lose interest. But it is not my attention that I have a problem with. Honestly it is the whole school system.   I personally believe sooner or later, school will be irrelevant. There are a lot of successful people that do not go the traditional route, and they still manage to live their truth. I have tried to do my own thing and I always hit a dead end road because I am required a degree. UGH!!! It’s a toxic cycle.   I truly believe that school will be a waste of time in the future, but what am I doing? I am going to school. I feel guilty because I am attending college when I should be believing in me one hundred percent! I should be out there, but I am so scared of not making it and having nothing to fall back o

I'm A Mess, Shocker

I have a problem with making decisions. Maybe it comes down to the fear of not working out and being held accountable. I hate making small choices, can you imagine how paralyzed I feel trying to make a life decision? I don’t know how to handle my situation. All my life I have been groomed to become a person with a successful career in law, medicine, or finance. That is all that I have learned to do, and knowing that it is harmful to not have a voice, I started to unlearn what I know. I have been in and out of jobs, same with school. I know it sounds very dramatic when I say a life decision, but that is how I see it. I imagined myself doing something, and then now I have to make a decision. When I make this decision I lose the possibility of what I didn’t choose! Yeah, It sounds crazy. So now I am in avoiding making it. I am torn between three situations that have great pros and very drastic cons. There is a job offer in my home town, not very well paid but I do get my free

Gorgeous Skin Say What?

Skin Care…Fuck Yes! I would sacrifice people for a good moisturizer! I may not take a lot of things seriously, but when it comes to taking care of my face, I don’t mess around. When I was an annoying teen I had a lot of acne, I bounced between products and dermatologist, but they couldn’t help. I had to go out of the country to look for a solution. Luckily I did get my solution and I will save that story for another time. Now, I have narrowed it down to a system to look like I have smooth and glass-like skin. Currently I have a 9 step routine, and I will share what I think it’s a basic routine to get started on your healthy skin journey. Cleanser-I love unscented creamy cleansers that will not strip off your natural oils. Make sure it is a really high quality one. You can never go wrong with starting at Sephora or Ulta, just ask for help. People know their shit there.   Serum-OMFG! I love serums! I think they are crack to me! They are the extra help we need in our li