
Guys! I am not going to lie, I have been a real hot mess lately. When I am a mess and feel anxious and overwhelmed I write. Writing gives me a sense of control in a world full of chaos, and boy! Shit has definitely hit the fan. Last Friday when y’all didn’t hear from me, I was preparing for 3 exams. They are before Spring Break which makes me want to call them my midterm exams. While I am on my 10th cup of coffee at 1am, the world is burning. We have boomers buying all the toilet paper, we have Karens stocking up on essential oils, and we have people treating coughs and sneezes like the new school shooters. It is cray cray. Half of my family is preparing for the Apocalypse and to witness it personally makes me uneasy. I am not scared of the virus, I am simply scared of how people are reacting. I get phone calls and text messages saying; “get this,” “get that before it runs out,” “you are not taking this seriously.” All of it is disrupting my vibe. 

I don’t want to write this to have a fat rant, but to remind you and myself to take care of our minds. Right now I am in a self quarantine. I am taking advantage of this to heal myself from what has happened since the beginning of 2020. I’ll try to not eat all of my snacks in one day, and to distance myself from social media and the news for a bit. My heart, my mind, and my body need to stop welcoming all of this bad energy. I don’t want to just ignore what is going on, but to limit the exposure of everything so I can have a clear mind. I simply refuse to panic. Join me and take advantage of this social distancing situation to appreciate who you are and what you have. Look at the big picture and enjoy the little things. It’s the only way to slow the fuck down. 


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