It's Ok to Not Be Ok

It’s okay to not be okay. Remember that.
Last week’s post, I talked about the importance of reflection and hydration. I did not want to get into what you might see; if it was your blessings or if life was manhandling you, and not in a good way. There are times when you are simply having a hard day. I mean everyone has those days. But I do remember at points in my life, during intense times, some friends and family members would  tell me to not be sad. It would drive me insane, because It made me feel bad about having a bad day. How crazy is that feeling! You are there in your feelings and then you get a negative feeling about your feelings. Humans are a trip! 

I am here to support you and tell you to cry it out honey! You are allowed to have a shit day. There is absolutely no control about what happens to you. All I can tell you is to wipe your tears and deal with what you can, and what you have in front of you. I struggle with this. I want to control everything and control it at the same time, but that is not realistic, so I have to check myself. I look at the things that need my attention and deal with that first. Otherwise I would look at the challenges pile up and I would panic and have an anxiety attack. When I tell you to only look at what is in front of you, you are not alone, because I will be doing the same thing.


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