
Showing posts from April, 2020

Struggle and Sparkle

Hello my sexy kittens! I am so excited to share with you, that this is my 26th post! I have been writing for y’alI’s gorgeous faces for 6 months now! I have been getting some DM’s on Instagram, and I want to say thank you. Your words of support and compliments are everything! There has been lovely compliments that say, “You are so glam!” “You are perfect!” And I am so humbled by this one, “You taste just like glitter mixed with Rock N’ Roll.” That is a song lyric from Lady Gaga. To get where I am right now, it took a lot of hard work. There were countless days of crying, and not feeling like I was enough for anything or anybody. It took therapy, family, friends and art to get me here. I am not saying my life is 100 percent perfect, but I am living a good life. I still have my struggles here and there, but I handle them better. I learned the tools that I share with you on this blog. I try and help you see through a different perspective and to see the beauty of the my way of seei

Ride or Die

I need you to learn this, you have to make this your habit to add an edge on how you live.   Life is too short to not be excited, to be lame, and uninteresting. Live by this. Say it with me, Ride or die. When I stripped down from all things that were not necessary to me, I learned to only take in what sparks joy.-Thank you, Mary Kondo. The moment when I started to build a life with this theory everything changed. I saw value in everything I owned. I walked into my room and smiled and felt like my home. The clothes that were on my body felt like works of art. They felt like this because I only had things that I truly loved. Believe it or not people still have things they don’t even use or like but still own it. This creates a mess and an emotional and physical drag. I started to be very selective with everything including thoughts. I rejected imagined scenarios, I rejected memories that made me feel sad or angry. I don’t ignore them, I simply acknowledge them and I move on. I don

Minimalism Pt. 2

Good morning my loves! Today is another beautiful day. We are breathing, the sun is shining, and my local Starbucks is still open! Thank the coffee gods! Today I want to continue to tell you about this minimalistic journey that I’m in.   After decluttering my possessions, my finances and my emotions, I continued to not let anything that I didn’t want in. I only kept what put a smile on my face. As you can imagine, my closet was mostly empty, my bank account hardly had any transactions, and I only stayed in touch with people I truly loved and made me feel good to have around. Everything changed, like getting dressed was easier, I would know exactly where my money went, and I had all the energy to maintain my relationship with my friends and family. When I kept all the good in my life, I began to know myself better. I slowly learned what would make my day. I started to distinguish interests that I wanted to pursue. People say that they need to find themselves. What I did, I si

Minimalism Pt. 1

A couple of years ago I was looking for a solution to a breathless feeling in my life. I would feel overwhelmed and frustrated. I would also feel like I was just rolling in a tumble weed, rolling in a senseless direction with no control. Luckily I was introduced to minimalism thanks to a recommended Youtube video titled “My Minimalist Apartment.” At first I was just enjoying the video because I like to watch home tours, but then the videographer Matt D’avella explained that his apartment was not just for the aesthetic, but for having only intentional things in his life.   I always thought that having more meant being more successful. He'd touch on how most of us are still stuck in a state of just trying to keep up, and keep engaging in the rat race. He had a perspective that I never thought of. I was hooked, I would fallow his channel and dig into this “minimalism” he spoke so highly of.   I immediately started to question my every purchase. I found Youtube bloggers like L