
Showing posts from May, 2020

It's Bad to Be Good

How many times have you gotten yourself in an uncomfortable situation, just because you were trying to be nice? This is not a rhetorical question. Sit back, sip your coffee, think, and answer this for you. You don’t have to think because it is more than you’d like. Call me selfish, but I no longer try anymore. If I do something nice for someone, it is because I genuinely care. I am not a big fan of how being good takes a toll on you. I mean you start doing things you don’t like or want to do just to seem nice or because it’s good.-What ever that means. When you force it, you recent the situation and even end up feeling obligated, and that is no fun for anyone. Taking on unnecessary tasks that make you look like a saint slowly disembowels you, doing unwanted “good” things makes you angry and creates anxiety. That whole way of thinking just robs your inner peace.   I learned to say no, or to say yes to situations I truly believe in. I try to reduce my carbon footprint to reduce


My loves, I hate to admit that I wasn’t always the beautiful and glamorous creature that I am today, or at least I didn’t feel that I was. I went through things in life, and dealt with people that I allowed to put me in delicate situations. I am not saying that these people are bad, I simply wanted to have the passion for things they believed were beautiful. Chasing the dreams of others put me in a dark and confusing place. Luckily I was able to get the help that I needed and I learned that we get to decide our path. I enclosed myself to heal from the thoughts of who should I be and start replacing those thoughts with who I want to be. I started to listen to what I want and also started to understand who I am. This all became easier when I blocked out the influences of the outside world. I created a cocoon made out of kindness and positivity, my voice grew and my intentions in life became clearer. I became the person that I am proud to be today. This quarantine I see it as a sec

Flirt In the Sun

My summer has begun! For the past week I have been dealing with average temperature of 90 degrees, for my imported hotties that’s in Fahrenheit. I know it is not technically summer until the summer solstice in June, but all the summer signs are there. The days are gorgeous, flooded with sun light, and the temperature makes me get an extra dewy look in my face. Sure there is that extra sexy sweat bead running down my temple, but I like it. The time is here to show a little more skin and I hope you do, no matter if you think your body is not ready, but your lovely heart is. Let the world see you glow and rock that body glitter. Make your energy want people to lick their lips. Once quarantine is fully lifted, I can’t wait to go out to patio bars and enjoy the heat with a lovely cocktail and delicious music that make me feel like my aura is made out of Swarovski crystals. I want the sun to reflect off my face and give off a Devine look that is completely complimented by my minimalis

Stop Multitasking!

Everyone expects a multitasker, but when you are not, you just get a weird look, like “are you that incapable?” I have had the privilege to travel into other countries and have asked myself, why can it not be like this in other countries where people dedicate themselves to small amounts of things and make it their craft, they still have pride and dedication in their profession, what ever that might be? When I was in Amsterdam there was this popular coffee house where there was only one barista. She had the line outside and still kept her cool. She worked with grace and the coffee was perfection. In Seoul I went to a jazz club and I saw the same energy for the bartender, just elegant speed and craftsmanship. Why can’t we take a profession and make it art here in the States. It could be from being a barista to a professional ice cream scooper. I used to advertise myself as an excellent multitasker to future employers. Little by little I started to understand that the more I took o