It's Bad to Be Good

How many times have you gotten yourself in an uncomfortable situation, just because you were trying to be nice? This is not a rhetorical question. Sit back, sip your coffee, think, and answer this for you. You don’t have to think because it is more than you’d like. Call me selfish, but I no longer try anymore. If I do something nice for someone, it is because I genuinely care. I am not a big fan of how being good takes a toll on you. I mean you start doing things you don’t like or want to do just to seem nice or because it’s good.-What ever that means.
When you force it, you recent the situation and even end up feeling obligated, and that is no fun for anyone. Taking on unnecessary tasks that make you look like a saint slowly disembowels you, doing unwanted “good” things makes you angry and creates anxiety. That whole way of thinking just robs your inner peace. 

I learned to say no, or to say yes to situations I truly believe in. I try to reduce my carbon footprint to reduce the strain on mother nature while looking like a total babe, drinking iced coffee in my reusable Swarovski Crystal-encrusted cup. I say no to asked favors that go against who I am. I don’t interrupt my energy just so that I appear nice. I might have my moments, but those moments are not for show, they are moments to aid situations I believe need me. So save your energy for things that you care for and not to seem nice to someone who probably doesn’t even like you.


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