Stop Multitasking!

Everyone expects a multitasker, but when you are not, you just get a weird look, like “are you that incapable?” I have had the privilege to travel into other countries and have asked myself, why can it not be like this in other countries where people dedicate themselves to small amounts of things and make it their craft, they still have pride and dedication in their profession, what ever that might be? When I was in Amsterdam there was this popular coffee house where there was only one barista. She had the line outside and still kept her cool. She worked with grace and the coffee was perfection. In Seoul I went to a jazz club and I saw the same energy for the bartender, just elegant speed and craftsmanship. Why can’t we take a profession and make it art here in the States. It could be from being a barista to a professional ice cream scooper.

I used to advertise myself as an excellent multitasker to future employers. Little by little I started to understand that the more I took on my plate, the less quality my work had. I would still put out great content, but it still needed a little more attention. The more I write and the more I pay attention to myself, I understand more that my work is enough and its fantastic and more enjoyable to do. I used to juggle a lot of things, and would drop some just to be able to breathe. My take on all of this is we don’t have that dedication to “mundane” jobs because we are afraid to not make anything out of it. We allow ourselves to believe that society wants CEO’s or the next Beyonce, but if we had faith in the small things that we love, anything could happen.  


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