
Showing posts from June, 2020

Hold On to Your Crowns

When everything goes to shit, the least you could do is keep your crown. Queens, Kings, Princesses, and Princes, listen the fuck up! Things out there are not looking great. 2020 literally said, “Nah.” Even I am trying to stay positive and hide in my house and put on my body glitter just to go buy overpriced olives. It is hard to stay positive, even when everything is tumbling down, and uncertainty has never been more present. We don’t know what is going to happen with the economy, we don’t know if the virus will morph into something stronger, and we don’t know when exactly it will be safe to be out and about. All we can do is hold down to our crown and watch the eye of the hurricane pass.   I wish I could promise you that this will end soon, but I don’t know. I referenced the crown, because whatever happens out there, you cannot change what is inside. We are all gorgeous on the inside and no one can take that from us. That crown is ours. Things could get worse before they get better,

Be Selective

What is in your glitter circle? Listen up, sexy bitches! Now is the time to be selective. We are at home, we are not leaving the house. Our classes and majority of our jobs have been moved online. We have been in designer sweatpants for 3 months. It is time to experiment with additions and subtractions in your life. It could be the addition of a habit you want to pick up, or you want to remove something from your life, because it is not giving you the results you want. Start fine tuning, and be very aware of absolutely everything you are doing and feeling.   I found my purpose when I decided what to incorporate in my life. I want everything gorgeous. I want everything glam, and if I can’t have something, I’ll find the next best thing. I only allow positive people in my circle, people that make me feel good about myself. I am very selective with what energy I want to be exposed to, you may think that it is impossible to be selective of everything, but it is not. Thanks to this philosoph

Mexico City Part I

I have been suffering from the case of travel fever for the past 3 months. I have been subconsciously opening up Airbnb on my phone, and next thing I know I am creating a healthy budget. Sadly this travel itch has not been scratched. All I have, are my memories and right now Mexico City is calling my name! I have been 3 times to the city, and it never disappoints. It has beautiful architecture, delicious food, fabulous shopping, and jaw-dropping museums. El Castillo de Chapultepec is everywhere in the social media pages of its visitors. I mean for a good reason, It is literally a castle on the top of a hill, in the middle of the city’s “Central Park.” Every time I am in the city, I always want to stop at my favorite neighborhood, La Condesa. This neighborhood is lined with trees, and home to exquisite bars, restaurants, and shops that are scattered with beautiful innovative boho-chic energy. I always loved getting lost in this neighborhood. You never know what you are going to stumble

Glitter Seance

Wow! So everything is on fire and I hate everything. How do we even deal with a world full of chaos? It’s   true chaos and not in a Millennial “The end of the world” way. It seems we are burning, but I do hope it is to rise from the ashes so we can be more gorgeous than ever.   In times of crisis I try to step away from the news and summon the glitter gods to guide us with their light, because seeing the world grabbing everyone by their lovely sex organs makes me nervous. People and movements, even if they are positive can become very unstable. I am talking Ms. Spears circa 2007 unstable.   So how do I keep my peace while supporting a good cause?   I try to educate myself, I research the situation and I try to pass on the word. Luckily I can support a little financially and try to keep my peace and the peace around me.   After that I have done all that I can and have to come to terms that it was enough. Stressing and wishing you can do more when you cannot, is a very toxic way to murde

Dream Habits

What are your dream habits? Why is always about the goals? In every job interview I have ever attended my goals get summoned. Teachers in high school ask you about your dream career, or your dream school. Even on New Year’s, you are already starting the year with goals up in the air. Goals are the outcome of habits. I am dying to ask about your dream habits, and after that I want to ask you why aren’t you doing them right now?   Think about it, the average goal is to lose weight, you ask why and you get the same answer, “I want to lose weight to look beautiful.’’ Why not be beautiful now? And if you are still interested in losing weight, do it while being beautiful. I am one hundred percent sure you will conquer the world doing your dream habits instead of taking a hard path to get to the same gorgeous destination.   I always dreamed of having my little corner of the world in New York, eating beautiful food, drinking smooth espresso, while wearing my beautiful luscious s