Dream Habits

What are your dream habits?

Why is always about the goals? In every job interview I have ever attended my goals get summoned. Teachers in high school ask you about your dream career, or your dream school. Even on New Year’s, you are already starting the year with goals up in the air. Goals are the outcome of habits. I am dying to ask about your dream habits, and after that I want to ask you why aren’t you doing them right now? 

Think about it, the average goal is to lose weight, you ask why and you get the same answer, “I want to lose weight to look beautiful.’’ Why not be beautiful now? And if you are still interested in losing weight, do it while being beautiful. I am one hundred percent sure you will conquer the world doing your dream habits instead of taking a hard path to get to the same gorgeous destination. 

I always dreamed of having my little corner of the world in New York, eating beautiful food, drinking smooth espresso, while wearing my beautiful luscious sweater. So I took on paths that were not necessary to end up there. I slowly started to realize that I can make my current situation, my New York. At least till I get there. This will give me the pleasure of living the life I want even if I am not at my “end goal.” I never understood the reference “It is not the destination, it’s the journey,” till now. That phrase haunted me because I was a goal oriented person. I never enjoyed anything until I achieved my goal. So If my goal was to be a badass Bank Investor living in Tribeca, that meant I would not enjoy anything until I was that. Also I associated “enjoying” to being a slacker and a waste of time. So can you imagine the pain? 

I am happy that I was able to snap out of that mentality. I am happy to say that I am living my life even if I am not at my end goal. Which honestly I don’t know what that is, but I know that my dream habits are lovely and positive and they will move me forward in life. Currently I am involve with taking care of my skin, my body, and my mind. I have a bomb skin care routine, I am reading and learning to keep my mind healthy, and my journey in veganism is helping my body.


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