
Showing posts from July, 2020

Travel Ban

As I sip my delivered overpriced coffee drink, I am here to tell you that the inability to travel is killing me. Our Passports are not working in other countries, we can’t go to our neighboring state without the risk of getting exposed to the virus, and most places are closed. Which is good because it is for our health, but my entitled ass can’t help it feel restricted. So, I did the next best thing. I went on a small hike and visited a state park   while complying to social distancing. This led me to ask, what other things I can do to cope with this travel ban? Stay-cation!   I don’t know about y’all, but 80% of my vacations revolve around food. So even if it is for a day you can sleep in make coffee and order in all of your meals for that day or weekend. Watch movies, open a bottle of wine, get special entrees. I can go to your back yard and sip your wine or you can go on walks and explore your neighborhood. You’d be surprise of how most of us hardly use our backyards.   Outdoor Acti

3 Peaceful Keys to Change Your Life

There was a dark time in my life, where I would work and walk around my loved ones in a depressive and anxious state.   I felt angry, sad, and vulnerable. It took me years and a lot of help to get me out of there. This was caused by my unrealistic expectations and complying with “social views.” I would sacrifice my views, my voice, and my genuine emotions for the sake of “normality.” Now, I am doing great, I am loving what I do and how I am, despite the pandemic we are in. Times are looking a little gray, but I learned to look at things differently so I would always stay in the sunshine.   1.     Manage your expectations We love to create goals and work hard to achieve them, but I think that we get obsessed and go all out. We get so caught up and we lose view of what is going on around us, making time pass without even knowing. Our expectations are unrealistically high that when we fail to reach a goal, we go into a defeated state. We end up feeling like we wasted energy, time, and eff

Choose You, Boo!

Let’s be honest, life will never be easy, but we can make it easy. In the past I had problems that would shake my world, little did I know was that the problems I would take on were not chosen by me. I chose them because it was what I thought society wanted. When I had the help to let go of those problems my heart was not on, I felt my energy shift. Dealing with life became more enriching, and yes at times things got stressful, but I was able to endure it. I endure my problems because I know they came with the things I chose.  For example, If I wanted to become a chef, I would expect the kitchen to be hot. I would expect some knife nicks here and there. Let’s say I did want to become a chef, if I took on the problems of a lawyer, I would go insane. Just by thinking about the problem, I would have to endure as a chef, I get anxious. Do you see what I’m getting at? This is a way to a healthier life.  I do hope that you choose your problems and nothing gets pushed on you. I have felt this

We Can Still Sparkle

My Hot Boy summer is publicly canceled. My gorgeous heart hurts a little. I still have been enjoying my time at home, eating my veggies, sleeping in, going on walks, and of course, writing for you my sexy little kittens. The second wave has been hitting us hard and we have not been working together to solve this issue. An issue that will impact the usability of our body glitter. I am here to tell you to do two things! Wear your lovely mask, and control what you can. Now is the time to learn how to only control what we can, so we can avoid panic attacks and even steer away from Ms. Depression.   Other countries have been wearing their masks for years, some countries like South Korea and Japan have learned to make masks fashionable, but they still serve their purpose. By doing this we help control contraction and the spread of the virus. It is something small we can chip in with. Now, there are a lot of people and mostly Karens that are refusing, but if we gently insist, we definitely ca