Choose You, Boo!

Let’s be honest, life will never be easy, but we can make it easy. In the past I had problems that would shake my world, little did I know was that the problems I would take on were not chosen by me. I chose them because it was what I thought society wanted. When I had the help to let go of those problems my heart was not on, I felt my energy shift. Dealing with life became more enriching, and yes at times things got stressful, but I was able to endure it. I endure my problems because I know they came with the things I chose. 

For example, If I wanted to become a chef, I would expect the kitchen to be hot. I would expect some knife nicks here and there. Let’s say I did want to become a chef, if I took on the problems of a lawyer, I would go insane. Just by thinking about the problem, I would have to endure as a chef, I get anxious. Do you see what I’m getting at? This is a way to a healthier life. 

I do hope that you choose your problems and nothing gets pushed on you. I have felt this and it just made life miserable. Hope your choices give you peace so you can have a better life and radiate that happiness to the world. 


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