3 Peaceful Keys to Change Your Life

There was a dark time in my life, where I would work and walk around my loved ones in a depressive and anxious state. I felt angry, sad, and vulnerable. It took me years and a lot of help to get me out of there. This was caused by my unrealistic expectations and complying with “social views.” I would sacrifice my views, my voice, and my genuine emotions for the sake of “normality.” Now, I am doing great, I am loving what I do and how I am, despite the pandemic we are in. Times are looking a little gray, but I learned to look at things differently so I would always stay in the sunshine.


1.    Manage your expectations

We love to create goals and work hard to achieve them, but I think that we get obsessed and go all out. We get so caught up and we lose view of what is going on around us, making time pass without even knowing. Our expectations are unrealistically high that when we fail to reach a goal, we go into a defeated state. We end up feeling like we wasted energy, time, and effort. If we keep doing this, there will be so much failure that we can take, that next time there will not be a next time. This is why managing expectations has to be a key to your journey in life. It is important to have goals, just know that life happens, and when this does, simply get up and try again. Don’t let expectations get in the way of your progress.

2. Accept your reality

We love to keep up with the Joneses, even though sometimes we cannot afford it with time, money, and effort. Knowing that, we still do the impossible to keep up. We also love to live up to images we create for ourselves. This means that we start to do things that we don’t want, just to not smudge our image. If we accept who we are at the time, things will get easier. Defining this will relieve us of any need to keep up. This doesn’t you are giving up on yourself, simply acknowledging where we are now, and where we can go from there.

3. Declutter

There have been studies that a tidy home can help us relax, but what I am asking you to do is a cleanse in every aspect of your lives. Start decluttering your home, then look at your finances, then people. Starting small is key because it will help you learn to disassociate from unneeded items and soon relationships and certain negative thoughts. This one is huge for me, because minimalism helped me save my life. Here is a little more on my take on minimalism.

It took a lot of practice and time to start shaping my present and my future, there was a lot of trial and error. Give yourself the time and the wiggle room for error and remember simply by trying you are doing enough to change.


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