We Can Still Sparkle

My Hot Boy summer is publicly canceled. My gorgeous heart hurts a little. I still have been enjoying my time at home, eating my veggies, sleeping in, going on walks, and of course, writing for you my sexy little kittens. The second wave has been hitting us hard and we have not been working together to solve this issue. An issue that will impact the usability of our body glitter. I am here to tell you to do two things! Wear your lovely mask, and control what you can. Now is the time to learn how to only control what we can, so we can avoid panic attacks and even steer away from Ms. Depression. 

Other countries have been wearing their masks for years, some countries like South Korea and Japan have learned to make masks fashionable, but they still serve their purpose. By doing this we help control contraction and the spread of the virus. It is something small we can chip in with. Now, there are a lot of people and mostly Karens that are refusing, but if we gently insist, we definitely can make a difference. If we can’t remember to only control what we can. We can control our social distancing, we can control who we vote for, we can control our health, and most definitely can control our voice. Like I said, Hot Boy Summer has been publicly canceled, but not in our hearts and our homes. 

My love, remember that we can still sparkle even if half our face is covered. 

Be safely gorgeous!




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