
Showing posts from September, 2020

Feeling Lost Lately

  Ever since the summer semester ended, I have been feeling like I am catching up on life. More, like I haven’t been able to handle my days with grace like I have been all year so far. I have been getting overwhelmed and my days are passing so fast it seems I am on Adderall, but without been productive or having accomplish anything. I did take a small break from writing, but that did not help. I feel like I have so much on my plate and none of it is getting conquered. I know this feeling will pass and I have the irrational fear that I won’t be able to slow down my days.   Right now, I am handling the addition of my furry child Rocky. He is an Australian Cattle Dog and he is keeping me busy. I have my love and duty to my blog and creating content is not as fast as it seems. I am also writing for 3 publications on Medium. I am dealing with my anxiety which gets worse every time I planned out my future. On top of all of that, I have my regular daily battles; chores, exercising, self-care,

Learn to Choose Your Battles

  Let’s be honest, life will never be easy, but we can make it easy. In the past, I had problems that would shake my world, little did I know was that the issues I would take on were not chosen by me.  I chose them because it was what I thought society wanted.  When I had the help to let go of those problems, my heart was not on; I felt my energy shift. Dealing with life became more enriching, and yes, at times, things got stressful, but I was able to endure it.  I endure my problems because I know they came with the things I chose. For example, If I wanted to become a chef, I would expect the kitchen to be hot. I would expect some knife nicks here and there. Let’s say I did want to become a chef; if I took on the problems of a lawyer, I would go insane. Just by thinking about the problem, I would have to endure as a chef, I get anxious. Do you see what I’m getting at? This is a way to a healthier life. I do hope that you choose your problems and nothing gets pushed on you. I have felt

M. I. A.

I was going to apologize for not posting any content in the last two weeks, but no. I will not apologize. Why? Because shit happens. I had a lot going on, and honestly it has been a blast being present and taking everything in. I went through finals like a boss babe. I did a huge declutter in my home, I went to Austin on a tiny vacation and I was glowing the entire time, and to top it all, my brother and I adopted an adorable dog. I have been going through post travel tiredness and puppy tantrums. I have been killing it life, so I deserve a cocktail and a Xannie high. I may have been absent in my digital life, but honey, I have been living my dream. That dream has always been to become a beautiful, glamorous, and sassy soccer dad. I go around town doing errands, getting stuff for my puppy and content for my smoothies which now consist of kale and spirulina. I dove so deep into this lifestyle that sometimes I think that I am living in Los Angeles, because despite the busyness I am still