Feeling Lost Lately


Ever since the summer semester ended, I have been feeling like I am catching up on life. More, like I haven’t been able to handle my days with grace like I have been all year so far. I have been getting overwhelmed and my days are passing so fast it seems I am on Adderall, but without been productive or having accomplish anything. I did take a small break from writing, but that did not help. I feel like I have so much on my plate and none of it is getting conquered. I know this feeling will pass and I have the irrational fear that I won’t be able to slow down my days. 

Right now, I am handling the addition of my furry child Rocky. He is an Australian Cattle Dog and he is keeping me busy. I have my love and duty to my blog and creating content is not as fast as it seems. I am also writing for 3 publications on Medium. I am dealing with my anxiety which gets worse every time I planned out my future. On top of all of that, I have my regular daily battles; chores, exercising, self-care, hygiene… I don’t know how people keep up, and I have been blessed with certain resources. So all of this is making me feel stuck, I think I know how to slow down. The thing is that with slowing down I will have to cut out things in my life. I am too scared to over trim and end up not advancing. I know, I know, another irrational fear. 

I have complete trust in the universe that it will help out, I just have to keep doing my part and re-evaluating what is in my life and make decisions. There is a lot of people out there that feel the same way, so reach out. It is always nice to hear about other people’s concerns or tips on how to deal with this. 



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