
Showing posts from December, 2020

'twas the season...

  We made it! We survived Christmas in the Pandemic. I think that this year the world went through a “Britney Spears 2007” phase. Oh, yeah! We did, I mean most of us got a buzz cut, and most ruined their bangs. The entire year felt like you laughed in an inappropriate time. Some had blast, some left the world, and some killed it. Some of us hide the laughs that we had just to avoid being labeled as insensitive. I got more blessings than lumps of coal. Internally I feel happy and thankful, but I must mask my joy to avoid social attacks. We got 3 days till 2020 ends, and I hope this shit show ends, because almost everyday we hear in the news that the world ending and simply looking at the headlines makes me want to snort crushed anti-depressants just to have a peaceful day.   Christmas was lovely, I had a blast, I got cool stuff, I had awesome food, I had delicious wine, and I spent it with my family. We are not supposed to have favorites, but I was with the concentration of favorite mem