
Showing posts from February, 2021

London, England

  Give me horrible airplane food, NOW! Give me an uncomfortable seat, 1 gazillion feet above the Atlantic Ocean! I want to carry my carry-on to the wrong terminal and be annoyed by the incredibly long walk to my gate! Have you noticed that I am a tad grumpy? It’s not my fault that today I am extra feisty. I am simply deprived of seeing the world.   I should be in London, having the time of my life with my besties. Jumping from high tea to a quick stroll on Bond St., to making out with beautiful British strangers. So, to make me extra sad, I am sharing what I would do and where to stay, if I was actually were there, sans the risk of dying from a not-so-friendly virus. I would have stayed at the lovely and creatively moody “Blakes” in Kensington. This hotel gives me sophisticated vibes, a perfect place to absorb its timeless elegance. High tea is my second favorite thing to do, specially in a city where it is more celebrated. There are a lot of lovely places but since I am a sparkly basi

Dew-it For the Win!

  Everyone who knows me, can safely say I have a delicious obsession. In the future, those who will know me, will get bombarded with my thirst for skincare. There is something powerful about having a healthy glow that makes my knees weak. I just want my enemies to see their reflections on my strong cheekbones, that is my ultimate goal! To some it may be a tad extreme, but for me, I am totally here for it. *Wink* Diving into skincare can be scary, overwhelming to say the least. We are blessed with the abundance of products, brands, and ingredients. Unfortunately the abundance can paralyze you because you don’t know where to start. Don’t worry, I am here with my cup of coffee to guide you into this world. Start with three steps: cleanse, moisturize, and protect.   Cleanse: Look for a cleanser that is gentle enough to not strip or dry out your skin. I personally use “First Aid Beauty’s” “Pure Skin Face Cleanser.” It has Allantoin, which calms and soothes the skin. It has a lovely cream-to

Back To the Drawing Board

  Once again, the universe has granted me an opportunity to build a life that I want. Sure, I feel paralyzed with options, but I do have something concrete. I am100% sure that Life Style is involved. I don’t know what it is, but living can be such an art form. I am here for it. I want to show you that the smallest detail can make a difference in your everyday life. I want to experiment with building habits, and learning how other parts of the world live. I want to show you my world through food, music, color, travel… I want to live and breathe Life Style Design.   What style you may ask? A style that aligns with my current reality, and one that represents each idea in my colorful mind, and not a romanticized reality.   I am tossing everything out the window! I am sorting through my sparkly heart and re-prioritizing my core values. I have made mistakes in the past due to letting myself be guided by values that I thought I should fallow. Values that look respectful on paper, but extremel