Back To the Drawing Board


Once again, the universe has granted me an opportunity to build a life that I want. Sure, I feel paralyzed with options, but I do have something concrete. I am100% sure that Life Style is involved. I don’t know what it is, but living can be such an art form. I am here for it. I want to show you that the smallest detail can make a difference in your everyday life. I want to experiment with building habits, and learning how other parts of the world live. I want to show you my world through food, music, color, travel… I want to live and breathe Life Style Design.  What style you may ask? A style that aligns with my current reality, and one that represents each idea in my colorful mind, and not a romanticized reality. 

I am tossing everything out the window! I am sorting through my sparkly heart and re-prioritizing my core values. I have made mistakes in the past due to letting myself be guided by values that I thought I should fallow. Values that look respectful on paper, but extremely harmful to me.

Last week I hit a point in my life where I felt confused about where I stand in this world. Or at least I thought I was confused. My body was so full of anxiety and fear, that I simply forgot what I represent. The thing is that I got myself into a situation where I don’t belong. I brought on a heavy sense of responsibility, which is good, but not good if the situation does not align with what I want to do, or who I want to be. At first I felt like I wasted time, but I have to look at it differently. I now see it, that the situation I got into, solidified the fact that I no longer belong in a world I thought was for me.

So, what does this all mean? It means that I am back. This time I want to go deeper into my writing. That way you get to feed off of my energy and tap into your Bad Bitch Energy. 


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