
Showing posts from March, 2021


  At this point in my life I am just rolling with the punches. I’ve read so many self-help books to try and get my shit together. Do I have my shit together? No! Will I ever? I sure hope I do! Who knows at this point! I try to achieve a goal, but self-help gurus say to create a habit that eventually will turn into your goal. Ugh! That does not sound fun. The only habits that I enjoy are going to brunch, drink coffee, and loving my dog. There is the occasional time that I do my bed after I get up in the morning, but honestly I do it because I have friends that stop by and I went them to think I am a grown up. How on Earth does everyone have their crap together? My neighbor is a hot daddy of 3, has 2 dogs, lives in a big 2 story house, and has enough time to work on his yard shirtless! That last part I thank him for doing that, but the point is that I am single and only taking one class at the community college, and I barely have time to do mundane-everyday activities.   Do you think tha