24 Hr Travel Challenge


24 Hr Travel Challenge 

Y’all! I have a confession to make!

 Your boy got himself a cute little 9-5. I KNOW! It’s a little unlike me, but I love it! I get to be cute and sassy. I  feel so professional, however, I understand the need to take a break that I hear people say so much. 

I don’t understand why majority of the US only gets 2 weeks of vacation, PER YEAR! (Ugh,) That is a tantrum for another article.

I’ve met amazing people through work and I love to share everything about me, my hobbies and views of life. Along with this I always get “I wish I could visit these places,” so I ask what is stopping them. Apparently it’s time itself.

This inspired me to go on a 24 Hr trip without the use of vacation. I am cheating a little because these 24 hours do not include travel time. My timer starts the moment I jump off the plane at my final destination to my last activity before my drive back to the airport. 

My first destination is… Austin, Texas!

My sunnies are in my bag, along with my sunscreen and my favorite anti-bacterial gel. I won’t say what brand because they won’t sponsor me and I love being petty. So yeah, no shout out haha. 

FYI I’m writing this in my layover so expect more super soon ;)

Love, Ricky <3


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