Paris: 24hrs of Perfection


                                                                                 For the last couple of years, I have been violently needing to go to Paris. Social Media is not helping. Emily in Paris makes it worse. Sadly I will not be going this summer. Why? To start, I want to avoid the large summer crowds. I am a big boy, and the thought of no AC is giving me a heatstroke. To top it all off, I am a corporate baddie with PTO limitations. Ugh...   The Eiffel Tower  from the 6th Metro Line, Photo by @doucer_a_paris on Instagram

BUT!!!!! If I do go, this is how I would spend my first 24 hours. 

                                                                                       The Hoxton Lobby, Photo by 

Where to Stay: The Hoxton 

I am a sucker for boutique hotels! Most have incredible service (check the reviews,) and they are curated to have a concentration of the city's style. Does that lobby not look like a cute courtyard at a Parisian apartment building? Obsessed! I also love the location. It is close to Le Marais, a neighborhood filled with shops, cafes, and bars. 

                             Photo by @jbellsss on Pinterest  

9 AM: I/O Cafe

I would love to go to a cafe where I can sit down and people watch, but my American heart wants a cute place to pick up a cortado and a pain au chocolat that can be enjoyed during my #hotboii walk. We love mobile hotties on this space. I would absorb Le Marais Neighborhood as I make my way down to the Seine. 

                         The Catacombs, Photo by @miortravel on Pinterest 

10 AM: The Catacombs 

Is it too early to visit a massive grave site? Never! I have been wanting to visit the catacombs even before I knew they were in Paris. When I was a kid and I learned about the history of France, the Catacombs is what I remember the most. Of course there are movies about the Catacombs, but I want to see them for myself. I can't help relate them to Death Eaters from the Harry Potter world. 

                   Dining room at Roger La Grenouille, Photo by @VogueFrance on Pinterest 

12 PM: Lunch at Roger La Grenouille  

How can I go to France and not have French food. My first stop will be at Roger La Grenouille. There are a lot of iconic French dishes, but I have to have escargot and frog legs. I want to sip a couple of Kirs. Which is just creme de cassis and white wine. I might feel extra sassy and swap the wine for champagne also known as a Kir Royale. A meal at a cute and classy place that is not too stuffy? Does it get any better than that?   

                                                   Cafe Kitsune at Palais Royale, Photo by @cafekitsune on Instagram 

1:30 PM: Coffee at Cafe Kitsune

Now, you have to get a post meal coffee. Why not make it a double whammy and get it at Cafe Kitsune at the Palais Royal. Cute coffee with a great view of the palace's gardens, and it is walking distance to the Louvre! I selected this cafe so I can get another to go cup, what can I say I am a hard working doll ;). Sipping coffee and walking down the gardens and admire the Louvre's glass pyramid what more can I ask for? This little caffeine fix + iconic site will be the perfect combo that will transition me to my next stop... Shopping! 

                                                                    Galeries Lafayette on Champs-Elysees. Photo by @galerieslafayette on Instagram

2:30 PM: Galeries Lafayette on Champs-Elysees

Paris is known to be a capital of style, so we know shopping will be good. Champs-Elysees is one of the most famous avenues to shop at. Since we are on a 24 hour challenge, I will be stopping by at Galeries Lafayette. Think of it as a French Bergdorf Goodman, but with a giant glass dome. This stop will definitely help reach multiple designers without the added steps. Luxury goods tend to be more reasonably priced in Paris, so I cannot pass on getting a couple of things. I can't wait to walk a mile in my Pradas. Yikes! I just pictured the blisters and the pain to break in those puppies. 

                                                La Boat on the Seine, Photo by @TravelAwaits on Pinterest 

4:00 PM: Rest | Freshen up | Seine Boat Ride

I know I will be exhausted from a full morning! In order to give my feet a break, I will get on a boat tour. I will take in the views and geek that I will be on the Seine. To those who think that it's so touristy, I say, don't knock it till you try it. I will be getting more sites in while my feet recover from my action packed itinerary. Once the tour is done I will take an Uber to my hotel. I am not even going to attempt walk there. I will take off my shoes freshen up because I got something special planned for my last stop of the day... Dinner!!!

Truffe Pizza and La Fameuse in a sauce pan at Pink Mamma, Photo by @TravelAwaits on Pinterest 

6:00 PM: Dinner at Pink Mamma

I will get into Pink Mamma! The energy, the vibes, the menu, and the decor make me want to fight for a table. Luckily they take reservations, bad thing is you have to make your reservation 30 days in advance, and you have to wait till the reservation opens up at 9 AM local time, which for me is 1AM El Paso time.  When I get there I will order a cheeky French IPA called Pesca Point. For my main dish I will try the La Fameuse Pate A La Truffe which is pasta with a black truffle creme and topped with fresh black truffle. I will also order the Moment of Truffe which is a veggie pizza that also has truffle. I am a truffle boy, so if there is truffle on the menu, it will be on the table. Isn't it a gorgeous place to end my first day in Paris? I know I am ending my day rather early, but remember I will be jet lagged, plus 20K steps logged.

                                                        Pink Mamma, Photo by @Erin Brennan on Pinterest 

I can already envision my ride back to the hotel, pooped, but looking forward to see more of Paris from the cab. When I get to my room I will run a hot bath. Oh! and NOT look at my bank account ;).


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